Archive for June, 2009


Got Fleas? Billboard raises awareness of the dangers of fleas & parasites

Got Fleas? Billboard raises awareness of the dangers of fleas & parasites

Got fleas? Maybe not, but could there be other bugs in the system? A variety of internal and external parasites can invade your pet’s system, causing everything from acute discomfort to full system shutdown. Fortunately, most of these difficulties can be avoided through careful maintenance and prompt medical attention. Continue reading ‘Got FLEAS?’

The Priceless Bond Between Humans and Pets

The following is a true story written by a staff member of the Broad Ripple Animal Clinic.

My grandparents are in their 80’s and last year, they went through a very difficult time in their lives. My grandmother was hospitalized for many months with a life-threatening condition and there were many days our family thought she was nearing the end of her life. During this time, my grandfather was spending most of his days going back and forth between being at her side in the hospital, and caring for their 15 year-old teacup poodle, Niki who was on medications that had to be given multiple times a day. One day, Niki began having horrible seizures and my grandfather knew in his heart that it was time to let her go. He took Niki to their veterinarian and said his good-byes. He then tried to focus all his energy on my grandmother, whose condition slowly improved. She went through extensive physical rehabilitation, and spent more than a month in a nursing facility before she was able to go home again. Continue reading ‘The Priceless Bond Between Humans and Pets’

Stem Cell Therapy for Dogs: Success Stories

Dr. Ben Ealing has been performing stem cell therapy treatment for dogs since early November 2008. In the eight months he’s been performing this therapy, he’s seen nothing but positive results, in varying degrees. The doctors, staff, and clients of Broad Ripple Animal Clinic & Wellness Center have all been amazed at the positive effects of stem cell therapy. We’ve been able to treat osteoarthritis and debilitating pain in more than a dozen dogs in the Indianapolis area. Continue reading ‘Stem Cell Therapy for Dogs: Success Stories’

Motion Sickness: Don’t Let it Stop You From Traveling With Your Pet

Did you know that motion sickness in dogs is a very common occurrence? It is estimated that about 1 in 6 dogs gets sick from traveling. That’s 17% of all dogs! If your dog falls into this group, don’t give up on that road trip to Grandma’s house.

Now there’s Cerenia, a new medication that prevents vomiting caused by motion sickness. Cerenia was developed by Pfizer Animal Health just for dogs and works very well – with a success rate of up to 93%! It is safe and effective and is the first FDA-approved prescription medication for motion sickness in dogs. Continue reading ‘Motion Sickness: Don’t Let it Stop You From Traveling With Your Pet’

New Cancer Treatment Drug for Dogs

We have received news that Pfizer Animal Health has received FDA approval on a new veterinary cancer therapy, called PALLADIA. This drug was developed to treat grade II or II, recurrent, cutaneous mast cell tumors with or without regional lymph node involvement in dogs.

Mast cell disease is one of the most common cancers we see in dogs. Most can be managed surgically, but this new drug offers a new treatment option. PALLADIA will be available to board certified veterinary specialists in the coming months. Your veterinarian at Broad Ripple Animal Clinic & Wellness Center is able to discuss this treatment option with you and make referrals for candidates that may benefit from this new treatment. There are certain risks and side-effects that may occur with this treatment, so it is important to discuss this with your veterinarian. If you have any questions or concerns, please call us at 317.257.5334 or email Dr. Ben Ealing directly at

Building the Bond Between Pets and Families

The companionship of a pet enriches our lives. Studies have shown that the presence of a pet in your life can lower your blood pressure and reduce stress. Studies also show that the number one cause of pet euthanasia is the direct result of behavior problems that lead to surrendering of the pet. Our goal at Broad Ripple Animal Clinic and Wellness Center is to prevent behavior problems before they happen through early training, socialization, education, and bonding of the pet to the members of the adoptive family. This desire culminated in the Responsible Pet Partnership program (for kittens and puppies), available at Broad Ripple Animal Clinic, as well as the creation of Bark Tutor School for Dogs.

We are very pleased with the progress we’ve seen since opening Bark Tutor School for Dogs. Students benefit from individualized training, group classes and socialization, while their families learn how to get the responses they want from their dogs. Clients have been so pleased with the relationships they’ve been able to develop with their dogs that they are asking for more!

Later this month, we will be expanding our classes to include three new group classes that focus on enhancing you and your family’s relationship with your dog. The first class is Bark Tutor Kids Club. This class is designed specifically for kids between the ages of 5 and 12. The class will be similar to our obedience classes, but will allow things to be slowed down for younger family members. The class will also cover topics that relate to building bonds between kids and dogs, and preventing problems: handling exercise, how to play properly, bite prevention and more. All students must be accompanied by an adult. The Bark Tutor Kids Club will be meeting Wednesdays at 6:30pm.

Therapy Dog Preparation is a class that more and more people are interested in pursuing, especially after they’ve experienced success with their dog’s training. This class is designed to prepare the dog and his handler for work as a therapy dog. There are many types of therapy work a dog can do, and many people are interested in enhancing the lives of others who can’t have a pet in their lives due to assisted living, hospitalization, etc. Bark Tutor’s Therapy Dog Preparation class does not certify nor does it guarantee that a dog will be certified, as each therapy facility has their own set of requirements. At the end of 8 weeks, we will facilitate evaluations with a Delta Society Evaluator for our students. All dogs enrolling in Therapy Dog Prep must have a Canine Good Citizen, which Bark Tutor also offers. This class will be meeting on Thursday evenings at 7:45pm with a 6-dog limited enrollment.

Rally O is an exciting new dog sport. We feel it’s the ideal sport for dogs and their families who have enjoyed the training process and want to continue working with their dog in a fun, learning environment. Follow this link to view video examples of Rally O at The beginner Rally class will be on Sundays at 2:00pm, with a strict 6-dog maximum enrollment. All dogs enrolling in Rally O must have completed level 3 skills at Bark Tutor and have a Canine Good Citizen.

For more information about the programs available at Bark Tutor School for Dogs, visit our website at or call the school directly at 317.259.8336.

Pet-Proofing Your Home for Safety

Is your home a pet-safe zone? Probably, but there are many common household items that can be dangerous to your pet’s health. Check your home and the location of the following items to see if they are out of your pet’s reach:

  • Over-the-Counter medications such as vitamins, aspirin, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, diet pills, and cold and flu medications.
  • Prescription medications such as antidepressants or cancer treatment medications.
  • Home insecticides, fly bait, mothballs, rat and mouse bait, slug and snail bait, and flea & tick products.
  • Household cleaners such as bleach, disinfectants, drain cleaners, oven cleaner spray, and lime or scale remover.
  • Laundry products including detergent and fabric softener.
  • Tobacco products.
  • Poisonous liquids such as lighter fluid, paint thinner and other solvents, and liquid potpourri.
  • Lead, including lead-based paint.

You should keep these items either up high, out of your pet’s reach or in a cupboard that is locked. You can use childproof locks for cabinets to keep your pet out of cabinets. If you suspect your pet has ingested any of the items listed above, seek immediate veterinary care. Our phone number is 317.257.5334 or 317.726.2711 and if we are not open, you can be directly connected to the veterinary emergency clinic nearest you by listening to our after-hours recording and selecting one of the listed options.